Gerlovin videoGerlovin

                                                                                  Other Publications (excerpts and images)

Art Institute of Chicago Collection, Chicago, IL

The State Tretyakov Gallery Collection, Moscow

Internation Center of Photography Collection, New York

Museum Moderner Kust Ludwig Collection, Vienna, Austria

Centre Pompidou Collection: (Cubes) (Mirror Game)  (2x2=4)  (Ursa Major)

Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University Collection, NC

Ackland Art Museum Collection, Ackland, NC

The Getty Museum Collection, Los Angeles, CA

Tate Modern Collection, London, UK

The Museum of Fine Arts Collection, Housten, TX

Art in Embassies Collection, U.S. Department of State

Zimmerli Art Museum Collection, Rutgers University

Art4.Ru Contemporary Art Museum Collection, Moscow

The Mattress Factory Art Museum, Pittsburgh, PA , installation Ancient New York Mosaics

School of the Art Institute of Chicago Collection, Chicago,IL

Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto Collection, Italy

The Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry Collection, The University of Iowa

Reed College Collection, Portland, OR

Spoleto Festival, Charleston, SC, Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art

Still Performances, MIT List Visual Art Center, Boston, MA

Book Art On The Edge and Over

The New York Times Magazine, The Millennium issue

Re.Act.Feminism Performing Archive (Costumes) (Zoo)

Reframing Photography

Zoom magazine International

Zoom magazine in Russia

The Colorado State University Museum Collection

Yale University Art Gallery Collection, New Haven, CT

Georgia Museum of Art Collection, Athens, GA

Chernovick magazine in Russian language

Dialogue of Arts, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Concepts

Performance in Russia. 1910-2010: a Cartography of its History, Garage Museum, Moscow

Little Secrets, Garage Museum, Moscow (Art Territory), (Elle),

Aesthesis, The New Exposition at The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Van Abbenmuseum Collection, Eindhoven, Netherlands


Saatchi Gallery, London, UK


Performa Institute, New York


Flomenhaft Gallery, New York, NY


Video: Valeriy Gerlovin, ранняя живопись, рассказывет искусствовед, хранитель в отделе новейших течений Третьяковской галереи Игорь Волков,  Покавсе дома у Антона, Коллекция Антона Козлова


Коллекция Антона Козлова, The Art Newspaper, Russia, 116, Nov. 2023







Герловины Концептуализм Римма Герловина и Валерий Герловин